1 min read

Adventure Greece

YahSU (Hello)…..
It’s been exactly two years since my 30 before 30 European adventure
and 6 months since my

This month I got that
not-so-foreign itch to travel to an
all-so-foreign land and figured wtf it’s all greek to me.
So I just booked a flight to
Athens-departing on july 20th.
What to do in Greece?! Eat? Growing up my favorite restaurant in Dekalb was
It’s Greek to Me! Mom and Dad say it was special because the Greek food sent Mom into labor with yours truly.
I write to you in hopes you’ll share a personal moment from Greece so that it’s not ALL Greek to me….
So if you have a favorite stomping ground, yummy restaurant, or a person you think I
should meet, please help plan my adventure by sharing your experience with me!

Without imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming is a form of planning.Gloria Steinem

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