Blake Mycoskie Moment
1 min read

Blake Mycoskie Moment

I will intro you to the coolest guys in greece who will show you a good time like no other. I was just with them for a few weeks!

Gents, Angie is one of my best friends…take care of her!

My time in Santorini was bliss thanks to Blake.  Blake’s friends are exactly the kind you want to meet when traveling. Paminos, Maria, and Paris showed me the best views in the city(from their friend’s home), introduced me to quite the cast of characters – their Athens friends visiting Santorini from all over the world, and showered their kindness driving me around and making me feel like a local:)

Paminos – The adorable young businessman who reminded me of Blake with his floppy hair, kind eyes, and quiet intelligence.

Maria – Girlfriend to Paminos and the blond fairy who seemed to appear by my side any time I started to feel a bit foreign in the group of friends.

Paris – the serious banker with an inner boyishness….constantly contradicting my assumptions but showing me what gentlemen Greek men are when he delivered my passport to me after I left the island of Santorini without it.

And we all shared one big commonality – a love for TOMS and Blake!

Blake I found a Justin Melnick look-a-like when Paminos took me out for his friend's birthday HA

4 thoughts on “Blake Mycoskie Moment

  1. Hey… It looks like there’s a problem with the layout of the page. For some reason the text block is running into the edge. I don’t know if it’s just me or are others reporting the same thing? Just wanted to let you know in case you’ve been updating the site. Thanks!

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