#24 – Jamie Patricof
And the post goes to….. Master Film producer Jamie Patricof and Blue Valentine.
I believe we’ll hear that echoed during award’s season, or something like it I hope:).
Blue Valentine is a story told in past and present moments in time. Cindy (Michelle Williams) and Dean (Ryan Gosling) have a marriage seemingly lost of love with the exception of that shared for their young daughter. We then see them years earlier, when they met and fell in love—full of life and hope.
The ever-so lovely and brilliant producer, Cassian Elwes hosted Monday night’s Blue Valentine screening and welcomed us introducing the film as one made with love, lots of love.
And for the next two hours, you could feel that love. It was romantic love, family love, NC-17 love, and heartbreaking love.
Jamie’s films always seem to have heart. And the thing about independent films is that someone has to fuel that passion to get the story made. I remember first meeting Jamie when he was debuting Half Nelson at Sundance. Jamie has that positive energy that makes you want him to succeed. He made me want to root for him – and this was just from talking to him on the phone. Combine that with the brilliant Ryan Gosling and love and you’ve got a winner or two.
GO SEE THIS MOVIE (in Theaters DEC 31, 2010)!
Now please just go watch Ryan Gosling sing in this trailer. I got the chills watching it again after the film.
Here are some Quotes from the movie.
“I’m more proud of this movie than any film that I’ve made” – Ryan Gosling
“I’ve always been fascinated by what time does to experience. It seems to amplify it and embellish it. A simple moment can be remembered as something momentous.” – director Derek Cianfrance
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