1 min read

Night 21

There’s something about seeing a movie in the theater after a big night out.  It feels even more special to sit in the comfy seats and get taken away.  I did it twice on the 21st night.
oddly….Life as we know it is in a Social Network
Aaron Sorkin is a genius. The Social Network fascinated me because I met Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss a year ago and had heard part of the story from them.  I think the movie did a great job trying to portray it all…..although I swear the guys told me they even named it The Facebook to Zuckerberg.  Side note- My fav thing on SNL was Andy Samberg as Zuckerberg saying “FB regret: The poke…Getting an email that your dad poked you is a bummer.” Video Link
Life as We Know It  – You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. Josh Duhamell is HOT. nuff said.

One thought on “Night 21

  1. Youre so right! Good blog and I really dont think anyones put it that way before! You must be an expert on this because you just made it so easy to understand, made me want to learn more about it! Do you, like, study this subject because you seem to be so in tune with the issue? Keep it up, man. Youve got a great mind for it!

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