JJ Banicki-#23

The number 23 makes me think of Michael Jordan.  You know there are certain numbers that will have that one association for life.  23 is MJ for me. So from MJ to JJ…. JJ is my brother and one of my best friends.  JJ inspires me everyday and even more so reminds me to be inspired. […]

6 mins read

#24 – Jamie Patricof

And the post goes to….. Master Film producer Jamie Patricof and Blue Valentine. I believe we’ll hear that echoed during award’s season, or something like it I hope:). Blue Valentine is a story told in past and present moments in time. Cindy (Michelle Williams) and Dean (Ryan Gosling) have a marriage seemingly lost of love with […]

2 mins read

PS You are #25

Erica Domesek Erica is a Master Crafter. She is brandmaster of PS I MADE THIS… PS I Made This is a movement. It’s a call to action to reimagine, reuse & reinvent. I see it. I like it. I make it. Check out her site to read more: www.psimadethis.com Brett Leve, one of the founders […]

1 min read

Franklin Leonard is #28

It’s kind of the coolest feeling when you read about someone and think – wow I want to be friends with that guy or actually more like I wish I could meet that guy – and then you meet and the person is 100 times cooler than you’d imagined.

3 mins read