Sh*t My Grandma Says – #17
It’s a Wonderful life with Grandma Banicki
5 reasons I want to be like Grandma…..exemplified this Christmas:
1. Grandma makes you feel good. I walked through Mom and Dad’s door – home for the holiday, no makeup, and bloated from the plane. “Angela, oh my gosh. You look so pretty. You’ve lost weight. You’re so thin!”
2. She enjoys and appreciates life. “Oh kids, your mother is the best cook! Everything she makes is so good. I don’t know how she does it. I never cooked and thank god for your grandfather. He never minded. He learned to cook, and you know he survived the war because of that! You guys are lucky to have your mother.”
3. She’s not afraid to tell it how it is. “Angela, you’ve got time to meet a husband before JJ gets married! Adam, what happened to that Polish girl?”(About a girl he took a picture of from afar at the Polish parade ha) “I’m kidding. Find someone before it’s too late! Just find someone!”
4. She’s never embarassed and even basques in the attention of a good laugh at her expense. We all know this can’t be easy, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen my grandmother mad or upset with us. We made fun of her for sleeping for the entire duration of TRUE GRIT and she’d continually bring up to others that they should see the movie just egging us on to bust and snort laughing, “Grandma, you can’t name a single character or scene from the film!” “I know, the most boring film I’ve ever seen.”
5. I always hated this but my friends who meet Grandma say, “Now we see where Angie gets it. She’s a little social butterfly who knows all the gossip about everyone.” Now I see that that grandma just loves people like me, and we like to make others feel good by being involved in their lives.
5 thoughts on “Sh*t My Grandma Says – #17”
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Hi i a little late however i want to wish you Happy Xmas and all the best during 2011!
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