Inspiring #16 Liz
Liz Gemmill kicked my butt into gear for 2011…
Liz is a subtle inspiration.
Liz, being the friend I’ve known LONGEST in LA – we met interning at Conan O’Brian 10 years ago – well she just knew I needed a workout plan this year. Liz was not privy to the fact that I ate pizza and pasta and nachos with Alina yesterday nor that after 10 years of working out about 360 out of 365 days a year, in 2010 I was way off quota. That’s the thing about your closest friends….they just know!
Liz: Gym?
Me: On way.
Liz: Come spin.
Me: Won’t make it.
Liz: I’m signing you up for last bike. Hurry!
Liz introduced me to 6:45 Monday spin with Nichelle at Equinox. Nichelle’s class was full. Nichelle made class go by in a flash. In that 45 minutes, I probably burned 45 times as many calories as I do when I Precor it up while blackberrying my way through 65 minutes of cardio. Nichelle’s class was filled with intense worker-outers and the likes of Perez Hilton…so the energy in the room keeps ya goin.
Liz helped me get set up for class and didn’t even mind that I was slowing down her warm up. She would even turn and smile and check on me when a new, fun song would come on and it would push me to go harder. In fact, everyone around me in class was eager and encouraging. Some helped me put on my shoe straps, offered me water, and made sure my bike was all set up. Liz found a good class with good people. I think it’s the new energy of 2011!
Find a friend to help inspire a new workout or new hobby in the new year. NEW YEAR NEW YOU!
One thought on “Inspiring #16 Liz”
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Nice post, very interesting topic.