#8-Inspiring Yoshiki

Shenae Grimes: “You’ve got to meet this guy. He’s like the Michael Jackson of Japan. A talented, kind, and amazing person!” Holly brought Shenae to the Bud Suite at the Laker Game on Friday so we could chat about Shenae’s upcoming benefit to raise money for Japan. Shenae was flown out for a fashion show […]

3 mins read

Inspiring AJ-#9

My friendship with AJ is best described by the Easter Mom and Dad Banicki visited and I threw a humongo Easter Sunday Funday for them.  I invited every close friend I had in Los Angeles up to our friend Canaan‘s house. We cooked up a storm, decorated eggs and played Easter with the Banickis.  AJ […]

1 min read

Foster the People-#10

Foster the People. Why do I love them? It’s music that makes you happy (I read somewhere that it’s like Spoon and  MGMT mated to create FTP),  and I love finding something new before everyone else. Bonus – they have  an amazing name. Foster the People. Some synonyms of Foster-  promote, forward, cultivate, and encourage I’d […]

1 min read

Inspiring #11-Maggie Mae

What happens in Vegas may stay in Vegas, but anything that happens with my friend Maggie always stays in my heart. Maggie is one of my best friends. Maggie’s smile lights up a room. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Maggie not able to flash those sparkly whites. No matter how sad the situation, Maggie […]

1 min read