Coachella Moments
Destination: Coachella, Palm Springs
Inspiration: Coachella Music Festival
It all began when…..
Rachel Krupa: “Angie, are you coming to Coachella? I need someone to have fun with me while I work at the Oasis Lounge.”
Me: “ok…yes.”
Rachel (sensing my loner angie emerging): “Don’t just say yes. Angie, tell me right now. Say you aren’t going to bail.”
Rachel defunked my funk of a mood.
No ticket. No plan. No expectations. Adventure Coachella here we go.
4:00 am Friday night/Sat morn
After quite the drive, we arrive in Palm Springs with our bags, blankets, and 3 dozen donuts.
Yes 36 donuts Miss Page Farmer bought from a teriyaki/donut shop we found on our road trip up – yes the place sells chinese and pastries together.
Page yelled into the drive-thru window – btw she is 2 hrs and 2 red bulls in – “Please sir. We have to go pee. Please open your doors so we can use your bathroom! I’ll buy a donut from you! OK- A dozen!! Fine 2 dozen! Please. How many? Ok 3 dozen. 3 dozen! Final deal.”
The store owner never said a word.
He just stared, shook his head maybe once and smiled very amused at the 3 girls in front of him doing the pee pee dance. He finally laughed, gave in and unlocked his doors.
From these bathroom stalls to a few more stalls along the way…
“now I know how nicole richie did it. She probably wasn’t event drunk, just on 80 red bulls ” – page when she drove wrong way on highway
Those 36 donuts made it though – through the traffic, then the party goers and finally to our Palm Spring Oasis in the maids quarters at the estate of the Merv Griffin!
Where’s merv sleep? He’s dead jen.
12pm Saturday
How did I get my ticket you ask? Mike Gifford bbms and says, “want my vip ticket and parking? Its yours ang.”
Sheesh, Mr. Gifford is a good guy. I am always shocked by this kind of kindness-I know people who sold their tickets for $1000 – JJ Banicki says it’s just that some people give of themselves and are just good down to the core. We are lucky to meet them. Mike is one of those people.
6pm Saturday Coachella grounds

We ran into friend Brandon Birtell chilling on the ground in the VIP. Sometimes inspiration comes at the weirdest time and most random please but I was grateful for a boost of it from my old friend.
“Angie, take your time with your project and don’t give in or give up. Do you know the story of Chazz Palminteri?” Brandon then told me how he met Chazz and Chazz told him this gem of inspiration.
Chazz wrote a script that was very personal to him. Investors came to him offering him money for the script but Chazz wouldn’t sell the script until he was guaranteed the role of Sonny. From $100,000 to 1 MILLION dollars, he kept refusing the offers for years…And then Robert De Niro came to him offered him the money and the role. That movie, A BRONX TALE, was made with Chazz playing Sonny alongside Robert De Niro and the movie made millions!
Brandon’s words stuck with me all weekend. Brandon is another one good to the core.
9pm Saturday Main Stage
At the main festival stage during MGMT, we run into Bryan Greenberg and friends. Before the girls and I know it we are holding hands linked. All 8 of us now actually.
Swerving from the back towards the stage – we were being shocked by an Electric Eel moving to ELECTRIC FEEL.
Like little KIDS on a playground, we let the cute boys pull us through the crowd of thousands. We had no control and tipsily allowed ourselves to just enjoy the ride.
I didn’t want our TIME TO PRETEND to end – so we continued like kids over to the gravitron at the Armani Exchange Carnival party at the airport hangar and then Sunday onto the shoulders of the guy standing behind us at Phoenix – we experienced Coachella in our own Liztopmania.
apparently we weren’t the only ones…
9pm Sunday night
Rachel and I decided our weekend was done. We went in search of Bucky.
We had decided Coachella has to be run by stoners…..
-Page literally walked past 4 gates and into VIP with no ticket and without a single person asking her to see her pass.
-The Coachella atm spit out $80 to me with a receipt that $100 was taken from my bank account along with a $2.50 service fee(ok smart stoners?)
Our train changed tracks when we ran into Robin Garvick.
Robin yanked our Sunday and brought us back to Funday.
From the moment she yelled, “Rachel Krupa! Angie Banicki!” We felt the switch….from wind down to wind up.
As we laughed with Robin and that big happy smile, she handed us the tequila shots that became the tipping point of our night.
Here’s the toast that flipped it-
And then we found Buky. Who’s Buky?
Buky is the guy who waits in the Coachella parking lot for 20 minutes because his friend needs a ride and can’t find anyone. Buky was also hosting a post Coachella party that had already started. Bucky waits and waits…but not without a little fun. When said friend calls, lost and crying for help, Buky puts on the speakerphone so his car full of people can hear the manboy admitting his fear!
Buky made us laugh till we cried in the back of that escalade. Buky was the Coach of Coachella.
1pm Monday Krupa’s Car
Team Krupa and Banicki depart the All Points Coachella Oasis and head back to reality.
We left knowing we are on the right track in our life adventure
3 thoughts on “Coachella Moments”
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Love it. Great journey and this is what life is about!! ox
Wow, you’re old, orange, ugly, fat, and pathetic. You want attention that bad, huh?? Stay away from Jon Togo!!!!
I have seen this Angie chick inside Club magazine, Issue number 186. She is that long blond-haired girl having a threesome in a limousine with some guy who is so “packed” and a blond girl wearing red lingerie. It’s true. This girl does get around alot. And I’ve never seen anyone so bendy like a coiled snake while meat-riding that guy with her back facing him. Very athletic.