Andrea Colognoli Moment
Here’s what happens when 30 before 30 went from Angie to Andrea….. Destination: Europe Inspiration: Andrea Colognoli documents his 30 days around Europe. And the story goes… To understand the story, take a look at the first email I received on asmallworld last November….. ————————————————————————————————– Hi Angie, How are you?A friend from LA talked to […]
Chelsea Handler moment: “Camille Guaty, “Go see Chelsea’s show when she goes down under!””
After finding out that I had surprise backstage meet-and-greet with Pearl Jam that I missed due to flight miscommunications (well we’ll call them that!), I wasn’t about to miss Chelsea and Chuey too! So when I arrived at destination Fox, 25 minutes late and found out I was at the wrong studio, nothing was stopping me from finding a way across town.