david arquette
Night 28ish?
From Beachers Madhouse to Iowa Hawkeye Football at Barneys Beanery to SoHo House to Todd Feldmans place….
Lakers Moment – “Go to a Laker’s playoff game! I’ll take you!”
Inspired Moment: “You’ve got to see a Laker’s playoff game! I’ll take you to GAME 2!” We drank Bud Light, watched from our box suite, and wandered the stadium with our all access passes. It doesn’t get any better than this on Sunday Funday! This was my favorite costume by far! Guess Who? My favorite […]
Andrea Colognoli Moment
Here’s what happens when 30 before 30 went from Angie to Andrea….. Destination: Europe Inspiration: Andrea Colognoli documents his 30 days around Europe. And the story goes… To understand the story, take a look at the first email I received on asmallworld last November….. ————————————————————————————————– Hi Angie, How are you?A friend from LA talked to […]
Teri Hatcher Moment
Teri Hatcher, “I have a surprise for egg decorating. See you at the cafe.”
David Arquette moment: “I have, but I was young. I’ll get Aussie friends to chime in. Walk from Bondi to Bronte (and further if you are up for it to Coogee)”
People kept saying, “oh you are so lucky you got to see the Sculptures by the Sea! It’s only here for two weeks a year.” There were some fun sculptures, like shoes that looked like they were made of sand. However, for me, climbing over all the nerdy tourists taking pictures of every item even remotely resembling art…is not that fun.