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Inspiring “moment” quotes from Mom

i’ll refer to “Inspiring moments” many times as I blog my way around the world.  So to prepare you and myself….the inspiring Mom Banicki has provided me with these quotes and I thought to share as part explanation, part inspiration:)

“Fill your life with as many moments and experiences of joy and passion as you humanly can. Start with one experience and build on it.” -Marcia Wieder

“Miracles come in moments.  Be ready and willing.”    – Wayne Dyer

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away”

“The Moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them but that they seize us.”   -Ashley Montagu

“There are no ordinary moments.” -Dab Millman

“We find it so difficult to be inwardly gathered, intent and still, because we are forever whisking through the present moment, we almost never live in it. We are like champion sprinters in the 100 metres race, leaning forward, pushing our centre of gravity several yards ahead, so that if we suddenly become still we should fall flat on our faces.  So the world around us, the reality of the present moment, is blurred, unclear, empty in fact, because we have already left it behind.  And such a natural thing as simply being here now has become incredibly unnatural to us.” –John V Taylor

Angie, I just wanted to write this email before I go to bed, I have somehow gotten this spurt of energy being back at home;-) I wanted to say thank you again for including dad and I in your special moments in Europe. I loved being with you and seeing you interact with people, you truly have a gift! You have a way of making a positive out of every situation. I so admire that about you! I used to always say that I wished we had tried for another child in hopes that you would have a sister, knowing how much I love having sisters. But I am so glad to have you as my daughter and I love that you are so close with your brothers, too. Well, be safe and check in with me when you can!! Goodnight, Mom

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